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The international retail chain JYSK, which sells everything for the home, is owned by the family behind the Lars Larsen Group. JYSK's founder, Lars Larsen, is known throughout Denmark as the country's leading retailer, who "always has a good deal up his sleeve". Larsen opened his first shop in Denmark's second-largest city, Aarhus, in 1979 with ambitious plans, but he never imagined his business would grow so fast. Successive successful JYSK Sengetøjslager (the name of the stores until 2001) opened in different parts of Denmark until Larsen opened his first foreign store in 1984 in neighboring Germany. Today, the JYSK Group has more than 3,000 stores in 50 countries. The group has an annual turnover of €4.1 billion and has more than 26,500 employees. The word "JYSK" is deliberately included in the company name. In Danish, 'JYSK' stands for something or someone that, like Lars Larsen, comes from the Jutland peninsula. This word is often associated in people's minds with the concepts of modesty, thoroughness, and honesty - the three values that Larsen has always embraced. JYSK stands for honesty - we always keep our word.

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